August 2, 2024

Out there are facts, somethings that might concern a few and might be trivial for others. For example there is global warming, evolution, Human Development, World Peace etc. But should all these facts be so human-centric, instead of being earth-centric? Are we the only organism in this world that have the right to take and consume the resources that this planet gives us? 

With the days passing by, as the world undergoes changes in all aspects, it is becoming more and more clear that our actions are interweaved in climate change. No longer can we choose to be oblivious of the changing environment. One way is to be a hamster that runs endlessly towards a perpetual target set by others as part of the corporate objectives, with less or no say in coming up with innovative solutions. The other option is to be a trend setter, one who understands the broader purpose for which he/ she has dedicated the time and efforts. I will always prefer to be the one who can topple the lego bricks to start over with a new idea and never thought of design. Climate change is a no-nonsense paradigm shift that cannot be treated as a business scenario but a boundary condition that will impact the business in near future. So, it becomes very important for a new energy professional to fold his/ her intent into the actions they take every day towards decarbonization or energy transition related work. If at all it is required, don't hesitate to hustle a bit and rejig the very foundation on which ones perception and assumptions are built.

At the end, one has to remember that the world will become a beautiful place to live owing to the positive actions that each global citizen include in their daily life. 


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