August 2, 2024

Out there are facts, somethings that might concern a few and might be trivial for others. For example there is global warming, evolution, Human Development, World Peace etc. But should all these facts be so human-centric, instead of being earth-centric? Are we the only organism in this world that have the right to take and consume the resources that this planet gives us? 

With the days passing by, as the world undergoes changes in all aspects, it is becoming more and more clear that our actions are interweaved in climate change. No longer can we choose to be oblivious of the changing environment. One way is to be a hamster that runs endlessly towards a perpetual target set by others as part of the corporate objectives, with less or no say in coming up with innovative solutions. The other option is to be a trend setter, one who understands the broader purpose for which he/ she has dedicated the time and efforts. I will always prefer to be the one who can topple the lego bricks to start over with a new idea and never thought of design. Climate change is a no-nonsense paradigm shift that cannot be treated as a business scenario but a boundary condition that will impact the business in near future. So, it becomes very important for a new energy professional to fold his/ her intent into the actions they take every day towards decarbonization or energy transition related work. If at all it is required, don't hesitate to hustle a bit and rejig the very foundation on which ones perception and assumptions are built.

At the end, one has to remember that the world will become a beautiful place to live owing to the positive actions that each global citizen include in their daily life. 

May 8, 2012

Wither Away..

Shall we scour or grow ourselves
in coming days of our life,
when the inevitable would be
mourning us from inside.

How long will we ignore them
and those we mean something,
though we know well within
in our conscience we have sinned.

The question of what's right here
and what's sneaking out there,
will remain our pastime forever
and never we will get it out for sure.

Alas, we smile and laugh amid our misery
turning blind to what we clearly see,
forget do we the fire that burns our brothers
will be ruining our dreams in an eventful spree.

March 31, 2011

Parody of Humanity

Stalled and dreaded, tireless they walk down
the deep gorge of doom and despair laying around.

Greed and wrath covered the high walls
welcomed them into the folds of endless struggle.

They craved and drooled as they crawl
towards the hidden mirage of joy, unknown to all.

The sky above them lightened a hope to breathe
with it's veil of endless serenity for all of them to feel.

Yet, they quarreled over the existence of sun at day
and fight for moon in it's whitey radiance at night.

They heard no one or let others say,they threw
rocks on each others face before they could say.

Rocks large and small, they armed all of them
said they would be ready for the mayhem.

A hungry vulture slyly swept around them
waiting for time when each one would be slayed.

Only if they could love and have cared more
with rocks to climb up the walls of the deep gorge.

Little they knew a vast land lay up there for them
with stretch of green plains and crystal rivers to swim in.

March 14, 2011

lets get along...

January 14, 2011

Under Construction ?

One never knows 
where he might stumble 
on the kerb of despair 
and faint on the vast green stretch of love.

But, what if there is no grass 
and only sharp gravel of pain 
and dirt of broken dreams ? 
There would be bruises all over 
and a deep ghastly wounded heart.

With the flamboyant attire of exhilaration 
soiled and not charming anymore, 
one would find himself breathing 
the murky cold air 
of ingratitude towards self.

January 2, 2011

Shine on you crazy box..

October 26, 2010

The Struggle Within

October 12, 2010

Nderstanding S...

April 14, 2010

Stumbling blocks of sanity..

March 27, 2010

Earth Hour...

Thou shalt not haste,
Thou shalt not waste

March 25, 2010

HIGHer eductation...

Johnny, Johnny,
Yes, Papa,
Smoking Weed ?
No, Papa
Telling lies?
No, Papa
Open your mouth
Open your eyes
Huh ?
Open your bag
Want Some Munchies ?
Sure, Ha! Ha! Ha!

October 23, 2009


Alone, lived there a leafless dry flower
secluded in a valley of misty dreams,
where love always seemed to glower
on hearts that bled along their seams.

Countless years of callous lonely strife
spent with no bees or dandelion by its side,
the flower still had to live it's pitiful life
whether it was in teary pain or sheer delight.

Along then came season of joy with a leaf
grown by it's side and fallen from no tree.
Caressing, days and nights in joy and grief
they laughed together with a swaying glee.

Bathed, scented in the fresh morning dew
they danced, smiled and sung a lovely tune,
even in a parched season of breathing few
their furtive love was found intricately sewn.

Short, muted sighs with kiss deprived smile
sailed calmly along the dreaded tide of time,
then came the gold chested fall with it's guile
enchanting the valley into it's obdurate twine.

Blew then the sad days of long winter wind
gnawing out their splitting soul as it cried,
with a parting kiss and memories not maimed
the lively leaf departs the flower's lonely side.

October 15, 2009


September 28, 2009


One's mind is a journal of thoughts, memories and doodles of myriad imagination that flips its pages over and over throughout the life, making us realize of what, from and why we are today? For me, it has always been my family and my loved ones that made me what I'm. As any grand-kid on the face of this earth, I have always felt safe and warm on thinking about my grandparents (which I do still). The time that I had spent with them would outlive all the other moments of happiness. Aai has a special place in these golden moments. It wasn't her only grace or wittiness that amazed me as kid, but the small things that she used to do. Her daily routine of applying kajal, bindi and braiding of hair was what I looked out for in the summer morning. I remember sitting beside her with an opened mouth of unexplained curiosity while she carried out her routines with a smile and a sparkling glitter in her eye.

Several years passed by, as I moved one step at a time in life, moving from one place to other. The time being an unsteady component of one’s life, changed a lot of us with its flow and so did Aai. The weakening legs, wrinkly skin and the blatant face of forgetfulness, still remind me of Aai in her later years. She had lost her charismatic way of loving me for she had a hard time to place me in her blurry memories. But, I still hoped and saw the very love during my visit to her before leaving for USA. That afternoon, I remember seeing her sitting in the veranda all alone looking at the open portico for no one she expected. I approached her, sat next by her and with a smile kissed her on her cheeks giving back the same warmth and compassionate love that she had rendered me with as a kid. I knew it might be hard for her to remember and sing me 'ahe nila sahila' that she used to sing devoutly to make me sleep, but nevertheless I placed my head on her skinny lap and with a childly innocence asked her whether she remember what she used to sing to me as a kid. I saw the same glitter of her love in her eyes as she patted me and hummed to a sleep for the lost dreams of our life.

I love you and miss you Aai for all the beautiful things in life that you have always taught me.

September 25, 2009

abyss of forlornness

With closed blue eyes I leap
into the deep gorge of reality,
I fly, I glide then I fall deep
along the sweet gust of levity.

Lofting me to a new end of life
piercing pain shivers down my spine,
I impale on the rock of truth, not lie
with shattered dreams and it's chime.

All I had to see is clearly seen ,
all I had to hear is said and heed
but all that in life I longed to feel,
is taken heartlessly far away from me.

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