Cookies in a jar, with all sort of variety and taste lure the eyes of many when opened up and offered ..The ones with the crisp chocolate toppings, nuts and cream are picked and savored the first. What about the ones without them? Well they either get dipped in one of those caffeine content diuretic drinks ,softened and eaten depriving them of their original in-born taste or left away in the jar to be softened by the humid air that eat them away slowly as time passes by. But has anybody thought of the reason what they have been made in the first place in the way they are, tasteless, non-chocolaty, non-creamy ? Well that's the way we all are brought in this world.
We do have the ones who lure the countless folks around us by our chocolaty trends and the creamy attitude that exists in between the very fold of our talks...But the non-chocolaty friends of mine, who according to me are vary much in the same magnitude love to be chocolaty never manage to get themselves picked among the multiple hands that reach down into the jar. They too want to be among the countless other cookies that make into the highly competitive hearts of people, but they manage not to because of their insipid "taste" that they carry with them. Well few may argue that these so called non-chocolaty cookies might taste better with one of the diuretic hot drinks, but what they fail to understand is that these cookies would love the world to accept them as they are and give them a chance to show that even they on their own can taste good. What if they look like more of an introvert and tasteless, they might fill you n your heart when try them with all your heart.
Just because sometimes they manage to hide themselves behind the opaque wrap of this world, does not mean they don't an heart or dont want to be savored. Cookies, whether chocolaty or non-chocolaty, like to be a part of somebody's satisfaction and happiness. It's just the fact that the chocolaty one's show their true taste outside but the inferior ones hide well beneath their starch composition. This world has tuned itself with the notion that unless they see a rich cream cookie with the nutty or choclaty coat on the outside , they won't even think of taking a bite into that cookie and tasting it's real "taste" forever.